Welcome to Driftless Specialties Fly Fishing!

Welcome to Driftless Specialties Fly Fishing. Based out of Madison, Wisconsin, Driftless Specialties is run by James Bartelt, the son of the former well known guide, Jim Bartelt of Spring Creek Specialties. Driftless Specialties provides full service guided fly fishing trips in the southwest part of Wisconsin in the Driftless Area, catching wild Wisconsin brown trout and the occasional native brook trout. Whether you would like to fish some of the more well known streams or explore some of the less pressured, but still quality streams, Driftless Area trout fishing is something to write home about.

About the Guide

James Bartelt is the son of former guide Jim Bartelt and has been guiding on the Wisconsin Driftless Area trout streams since 2023. James is a full time school teacher, part time guide. He has been exploring and fishing the Driftless Area streams since the mid-1990s. He possesses great knowledge of the more well known streams as well as the lesser known, but quality streams that are a little more off the beaten path and less pressured. In addition, James has knowledge of the seasonal fly hatches and ties his own patterns that are proven to catch trout on the Driftless Spring Creeks.

Whether you have never fly fished or if you are an experienced angler, James has the ability adapt to your skill level and learning style to provide the ideal fly fishing experience.


About the Driftless Area

The Driftless Area covers Southwest Wisconsin, Southeast Minnesota, Northeast Iowa, and a small portion Northwest Illinois, with largest portion being in Wisconsin. The last several ice ages never drifted into the portions of these states, leaving behind rolling hills, bluffs, and many cold springs and spring creeks. The Driftless makes up the largest concentration of spring creeks anywhere in the United States and provides cold water for sustainable trout populations.

Click on the Links Below to Learn More About the Region
